Thursday, January 12, 2023


Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to achieve their objectives and goals. Even though you are motivated you won’t achieve your objectives if you do not have confidence. So confidence will be generated through enhancing knowledge, skills, and abilities. A motivated person invariably while enhancing knowledge, skills, and abilities, improves his attitude with motivation to achieve objectives and goals.

Motivation is in two aspects

a. Extrinsic Motivation- Outside forces such as tangible and intangible; rewards promotions, money, praise and appreciation, etc will motivate people to work hard to accomplish goals.

b. Intrinsic Motivation- Inside motivational force. People on their own drive to achieve objectives without an outside force.

Advantages of Motivation

a It confirms the goals and objectives that are to achieve

b. Sets Priorities - Once the goals and objectives are confirmed priorities will be set accordingly.

c. Determination - It pursues determination.

d. It drives to go through failures to achieve goals.

e. Push against fear and objections.

f. Improve Self-Confidence- Gradual success and drive through hardship and   weaknesses will build the confidence of the people involved

g. Inspires Others-Motivation is important as it inspires others and their confidence of work 





  Motivation Motivation is the  driving force  that inspires people to  achieve their objectives and goals . Even though you are motivat...