Thursday, January 12, 2023


Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to achieve their objectives and goals. Even though you are motivated you won’t achieve your objectives if you do not have confidence. So confidence will be generated through enhancing knowledge, skills, and abilities. A motivated person invariably while enhancing knowledge, skills, and abilities, improves his attitude with motivation to achieve objectives and goals.

Motivation is in two aspects

a. Extrinsic Motivation- Outside forces such as tangible and intangible; rewards promotions, money, praise and appreciation, etc will motivate people to work hard to accomplish goals.

b. Intrinsic Motivation- Inside motivational force. People on their own drive to achieve objectives without an outside force.

Advantages of Motivation

a It confirms the goals and objectives that are to achieve

b. Sets Priorities - Once the goals and objectives are confirmed priorities will be set accordingly.

c. Determination - It pursues determination.

d. It drives to go through failures to achieve goals.

e. Push against fear and objections.

f. Improve Self-Confidence- Gradual success and drive through hardship and   weaknesses will build the confidence of the people involved

g. Inspires Others-Motivation is important as it inspires others and their confidence of work 





Friday, December 30, 2022





 1.Work and life balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is difficult, but how you do it can greatly impact how well you get along with your family. Being able to work in a way that accommodates family obligations but isn't limited to the 9 to 5 promotes self-esteem since you don't constantly worry about ignoring your responsibilities in any area, which makes you feel more in control of your life. You'll have a life away from home, nevertheless, your family will be delighted to see more of you.

2. Take care of yourself

Parents frequently neglect their own needs in favor of taking care of the rest of the family. If you don't take care of yourself, you could feel unpleasant and irritated and be unable to guide and support your children as they require. Recognize your needs, wants and feelings of your own and get them fulfilled occasionally, it is not being selfish. It doesn't have to cost a lot, but making time for what you want to do, even if it's just for a few minutes a day, is crucial.

3. Discipline

You should use discipline to teach your kids how to meet their needs without hurting or upsetting anyone, not as a punishment. Even though you might be upset, it might be beneficial to control your temper and explain to your child how they might have acted the issue better and how to approach it differently the next time. This approach is more helpful, and constructive, not destructive.

4. Giving parameters

Parameters are frequently used to shield kids from damage or peril. However, it is crucial that you make an effort to clarify those rather than give orders. For example, if you take someone away from any danger, explain why. If parents provide commands, kids could be reluctant to comply. An explanation of the significance of the directions will, however, aid your child's comprehension and encourage cooperation.

5. Communication

The importance of communication cannot be overstated, especially in difficult moments. Children frequently struggle to express their emotions in words, so sometimes all they need to know is that their parents are paying attention. Talking about your day-to-day activities as well as your problems with your spouse is crucial. More often, your dialog with children about their studies, school activities etc is so important to recognize their behavior.   Children like to perceive the benefit of engaging you in their activities as you are their ultimate hope.

   6.  Time to observe family traditions

Try to schedule family time a couple of times a week; perhaps three meals a week could be spent eating together. This will allow you all the chance to interact and discuss both serious and lighthearted themes. Ask your kids to do errands or assist you with chores. Despite their objections, they will feel like a part of your life rather than an outsider.

7. Togetherness

A family should support one another not only in happy times but also in difficult ones. Being together can be quite beneficial if a family member experiences a tragedy or has difficulty.  Being honest and transparent with your children is crucial at this time because they will need your assistance. So togetherness is a strength of your family.

8. Be adaptable

The one thing that kids really desire is to be with their parents. Making time for a spontaneous game or trip to the park may be a lot of fun and something that you and your kids will both cherish in the future. While having a routine is beneficial, occasionally breaking it up for sudden games and fun is not the end of the world. It can be helpful for busy families to plan a few hours every now and then for a relaxing day together.

9. Make time for your spouse.

Once you have children, it might be challenging to find time for you and your partner, but it is crucial to make time for each other. After all, parents teach their children about relationships. Make sure to keep in regular contact with them and chat to them about everything, both work-related and personal. Try to schedule some time that you can spend together, whether it's eating out or just sitting in front of the TV.

10. Respect each other

 Respect for your spouse is the most important aspect of sustaining family peace and pleasure.Because you both have significant responsibilities in the family, it is crucial for each of you to acknowledge accomplishments and express regret for any errors. Kids will follow their parents. In order to create family unity, it is important that children respect one another.


Mothers' happiness  will be on the healthiness of child

                               Family -  enjoys being together







Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Mental and Physical well - being


Prosper your life mentally- spiritually and physically.

# It is your responsibility to build up a strong mind, so how to build a strong mind

  •      Strong concentration on the work being done. Purposely do not focus your mind on another thing while doing one, as later you do not remember what you have done. This could particularly trace and avoid bad and unnecessary thoughts.

  • Remove bad thoughts such as Jealousy, selfishness, hatred, greediness, hypocrisy, and egoism.
  •            Avoid killing, stealing, lying, the wrong sex, and taking liquor.

  •         Do not harm anyone mentally, verbally or physically.

So if you observe these properly, definitely you can generate spiritual power and human values at optimum levels.

  Motivation Motivation is the  driving force  that inspires people to  achieve their objectives and goals . Even though you are motivat...